Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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426 lines
(c) 1987 D. M. Sampson Consulting
David M. Sampson, Technical Support
Data Based Solutions, Inc.
Publisher of the DATA BASED ADVISOR
Documentation for the functions found in the DMS library.
SYNTAX: APPROX(<expC>,<expN>)
expC = the Character expression you want to look for
expN = the field number your data base file is indexed on
DESCRIPTION: APPROX will first attempt a SEEK to find an exact match.if
one is found then it returns with the record pointer
looking at the correct record. The same as a straight SEEK
if the SEEK is unsuccessful then the function returns
with the record pointer looking at the record which would
have been the next record down from the correct record
had it been there.
if the search is unsuccessful and the record you
attempted to find would have been the last record in the
data base then the function will return you to the top of
the file.
Only Date, Character or Numeric Fields can be used with
this function, if any other type of field is specified
you will get a Run Time Error: ... and the program will
close all databases and abort to the dos prompt.
APPROX returns the record number of the record found
according to the description above. You may use this
record number if you would like but it is not necessary.
CAUTION: RECORD NUMBER ONE will be confiscated by this
function and the information in the key field
will be deleted.
The paragraph above is NOT referring to the
first record at the top of the file according
to the index, which you would find by executing
the command GO TOP, this is the actual Record
#1, which you would find by executing the
command GOTO 1.
SYNTAX: Filehere( <filename>, <expC1>, <expC2>, <exprC3> )
<filename> = The name of the file you want to search for.
<expC> = 3 available lines of comments to display if
the file is not found.
DESCRIPTION: The filename must include the file extension.
Each character expression can be as long as you would
like but the function will only display the first 50
characters. There will be up to 4 lines displayed if a
file is not found, the first line will be a generic
statement indicating the file name which was searched for
and not found. The 3 you pass will be displayed below
The message will be displayed in the middle of the
screen, will ask for a single key input, then after
hitting a key will disappear returning the screen to what
it looked like before the message.
FILEHERE returns a .T. if the file was found and a .F. if
it was not found.
SYNTAX: Prnton() / Prntoff()
DESCRIPTION: The Prntoff Function simply SETs DEVICE TO SCREEN, SETs
The Prnton Function simply reverses the same three
They both return a .T. simply because I couldn't think of
any thing else to return.
FUNCTION: R2 / R3 / R4
SYNTAX: R2( <exp1>, <exp2N>, <exp3N> )
R3( <exp1>, <exp2N>, <exp3N>,<exp4N>, <exp5N> )
R4( <exp1>, <exp2N>, <exp3N>, ... <exp7N> )
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of these functions is to permit Clipper
arrays to function as multi dimensinal arrays. The Number
that is a part of the function name indicates how many
dimensions that functin will similate.
For the 2 dimensional array the last numeric expression
represents the total number of elements in the major
For the 3 dimensional array the last 2 numeric
expressions represent the total elements in each
respective axis.
For the 4 dimensional array the last 3 numeric
expressions represent the total elements in each
respective axis.
EXAMPLE: Two Dimensional Array:
store 3 to x,xe && first level
store 30 to y,ye && lowest level
declare arrayname[xe * ye]
? arrayname[r2(2,25,xe)] displays the value of the
25th position in the 2nd element
EXAMPLE: Three Dimensional Array:
store 4 to x,xe
store 10 to y,ye
store 8 to z,ze
declare arrayname[xe * ye * ze]
? arrayname[r3(3,9,6,ye,ze)] displays the value in the
6th position of the
9th Y element of the
3rd X element.
SYNTAX: RJUST( <expN1>, <expN2>, <expC> )
<expN1> = Row you want to display your justified message
<expN2> = The column at which you want the message to be
<expC> = The message you want displayed.
DESCRIPTION: This function displays any message on the screen right
justified against the <expN2> column.
EXAMPLE: chr1 = 'This message will be justified'
RJUST(23,60,chr1) && This will display this:
This message will be justified
Column #60 ----
RJUST(23,40,chr1) && will diplay this:
This message will be justified
Column #40 --
SYNTAX: CENTER( <expN>, <expC> )
<expN> = The row you want to center your message on
<expC> = The message you want centered
DESCRIPTION: CENTER takes the expression in <expC> and displays it
centered on row <expN>.
Center assumes an 80 column screen. if you don't have an
80 column screen this won't work for you.
EXAMPLE: CENTER(23,chr1) && This will display these on your screen
chr1 = 'This will be centered'
This will be centered
chr1 = 'This line will also be centered on line 23'
This line will also be centered on line 23
SYNTAX: LOOKUP( <expC1>, <expC2>, <expN> )
DESCRIPTION: LOOKUP is normally attached to a VALID clause to do an
automatic 'Lookup' after data input in a GET variable.
LOOKUP saves the current work area, moves to the workarea
with the <expC2> alias, does a SEEK on <expC1>.
If the SEEK is successful then the value in FIELD(<expN>)
is displayed 2 columns to the right of the GET variable.
If the SEEK is unsuccessful then a window is displayed
showing all possible choices and the cursor is placed back
in the variable waiting for further input.
EXAMPLE: Select 0
use account index code alias wa_acc
Select 0
use transact alias tran
** The account.dbf has a structure like this:
@ 23,20 say 'Account Code: ' get acct valid;
The above source code would move to the WA_ACC work area,
do a search with 'acct' (ie the get variable) as its
expression and if succesful would display ACCTDESC (the
field data) to the right of the variable ACCT then return
to the TRAN workarea
SYNTAX: EXPLODE( <top>, <lft>, <bot>, <rit>, <inc> )
<top> = the top most row where the window will endup
<lft> = the left most column where the window will endup
<bot> = the bottom most row where the window will endup
<rit> = the right most column where the window will endup
<inc> = the number of times you want the window to increment
as it is growing to its largest size.
DESCRIPTION: EXPLODE starts from the center of the anticipated window
and grows in an 'exploding' fashion until it grows to its
ultimate size.
These windows are able to be displayed anywhere on the
<inc> can not be 0 or you will get a 'DIVIDE BY 0'
IMPLODE does the exact opposite. It starts where the
window is right now and shrinks it in an 'imploding'
fashion to the center of the window.
The <inc> value in each do not have to be the same.
EXAMPLE: EXPLODE(05,20,19,40,08)
A window will be 'exploded' into position and end up with
the upper left hand corner at coordinates (row 5, col 20)
and the lower right hand corner at coordinates (row 29,
col 40) and it will 'explode' in 08 increments.
A window will 'implode' (ie shrink) starting from the
upper left hand corner at coordinates (row 10, col 01) and
the lower right hand corner being at coordinates (row 14,
col 78) and will 'implode' in 05 increments.
SYNTAX: RESPONSE( <expC1>, <expC2>, <expN>, <expC3> )
<expC1> &
<expC2> = 2 lines of messages to be displayed
they will be displayed on lines 23, 24
<expN> = A numeric value for the number of seconds you
want the messages to appear.
<expC3> = Character string for those keys which are valid
DESCREPTION: This function is an enhancement of the dBase WAIT command.
<expC1> and <expC2> will both be centered on rows 23 and
24 respectivly. The messages will stay on the screen for
<expN> real seconds, or until a key is pressed if <expN>
equals 0.
Only those Characters in <expC3> will return a .T., if a
key other than those which are a part of <expC3> is
pressed this function will return a .F. .
If you do not want to specifiy which keys they have to
press replace <expC3> with the string 'ALL' or 'all' (case
is ignored) and it will return a .T. no matter what key
they press.
If <expN> is greater than 0 then <expC3> must be = 'all'
or the message will wait <expN> seconds beep and display
the message again in an endless loop.
EXAMPLE: chr1 = 'Press one of the following keys'
chr2 = '(A)bort (R)etry (I) dont know what to do!!'
do while .not. RESPONSE(chr1,chr2,0,'ari')
?? chr(07)
The the following will be displayed on rows 23 & 24:
Press one of the following keys
(A)bort (R)etry (I) dont know what to do!!
this code will beep once if any key other than a, r or i
is pressed then return to the RESPONSE function.
chr1 = 'You have just blown it and if you want to and'
chr2 = 'don't quit you'll blow it again!!
This code will display the following for 10 real seconds:
You have just blown it and if you want to and
don't quit you'll blow it again!!
SYNTAX: NDEXDISP( <expN>, <expC> )
<expN> = row you want your message to be displayed
<expC> = the message you want displayed
DESCRIPTION: One of the things wrong with commands like INDEX, DELETE
and REINDEX is that they take over and you have no control
over the diplay or how and when to quit in the middle of
one of their runs, well, thanks to Nantucket those days
are over. All you have to do is attach this little
function onto the index expression as one of the elements
(or onto one of the DELETE FOR/WHILE conditions) and you
will be able to display all of what you want and even more
during any of those command processes. This even works
with many other commands.
EXAMPLE: chr1 = 'Indexing Record #'
index on lastname+frstname+NDEXDISP(24,chr1) to name.ntx
During the index processing on row #24 you will see this
displayed on your screen.
Indexing Record # <cur_rec#> of <total records>
<cur_rec#> will race through displaying each record number
as it progresses.
<total records> will constantly display the same number
which will be equivilant to the total records in the data
Each time the index file is accessed this will be
displayed, even after the actual indexing is finished. In
other words if you REINDEX, SEEK, FIND or PACK this
message will show up on line #24 (or what ever number you